
The Trust is supported by its volunteers in the woods and in administration, its local councils, the Forestry Commission, the local community, local schools and Rotary clubs, local businesses, the local newspaper, Trusts and individuals.

The Trust works in education with cubs, scouts, brownies and beavers, students aiming for their Duke of Edinburgh awards and the local primary schools with Art in the Wood. Schools and voluntary organisations, run, walk, train, carry out fungi and bird counts and use the Wood for educational purposes and a respite for asthmatic pupils. The Trust planted 10 Dutch-elm resistant trees and 150 saplings to celebrate 150 years of the Herts and Essex Observer newspaper and reinstated an ancient pond to encourage frogs, amphibians and other wildlife back into into the Woodland.

The Trust’s emphasis has now moved on towards education. The Trust’s Warden has been actively carrying out a series of projects with many of the community young persons to encourage and enhance their appreciation into the working of an ancient woodland.

For this to continue and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of both the woodland maintenance and guidance, the Trust constructed a secure compound, secure store and acquired a tractor/trailer. The secure compound includes a tree nursery and hedgehog sanctuary and provides a base from which instruction can take place.