Make a donation

Birchanger Wood Trust is a voluntary organisation with no paid staff. All our income is invested in our local wood, including equipment as well as professional assistance where absolutely necessary.

As a charitable incorporated organisation, we are accountable to the Charity Commission and are required to submit our financial returns every year. This gives you the peace of mind that donations are used only for charitable purposes, to keep the green lungs of our local community healthy, support local wildlife and hold onto this important ancient woodland for future generations.

How to make a donation

You can click the buttons below to set up a regular contribution or make a one-off donation. These funds are vital to ensure we can manage and improve one of the area’s largest open access woodlands:

Set up a regular donation:

If you would prefer to pay directly, have another idea for fundraising, or have any problems making a donation via our website, please email our treasurer on

Thank you for your support. Your generosity will ensure that Birchanger Wood is here for future generations to enjoy.