Log sales: where the money goes

Where does the money we make from selling firewood go?

Birchanger Wood is a charitable trust, run entirely by volunteers. No one draws a salary from the Trust. All the money we make from log sales goes back into the conservation of the wood. It enables us to protect and enhance the wood, and keep it safe for visitors.

For example, this money pays for our equipment, our vehicles, and the fuel we need to operate them.

We are registered with the Charity Commission (Charity Number 1178590) and you can read more about us, and see the details of our filed accounts, at their website here: Charity Commission.

We have sadly had to spend a lot of money recently on felling diseased ash trees, which has left a dent in our finances. Thank you to everyone who has bought logs from us – these sales make a big difference.

Please rest assured that we never fell a tree to make firewood. You can read more about when and why we fell trees here.

If you would like to be a part of protecting Birchanger Wood for future generations to enjoy, we are always looking for new volunteers. Please come along to our compound any Saturday morning at around 8.30am/9am, or contact us to find out more.